World of Warcraft X-Files: glorious moment and blessing of priest

I do not know how many people remember the priest racial skills when the league canceled the tank embarrassed - many are spoiled priest dwarf warrior for how to eliminate fear is not so skilled and handy. And then military governor of the dead dark, animal husbandry projects, but also because of the extra that Devouring Plague is almost wow gold) invincible in the PK field. The BLZ is now out of all their stuff out so-called "balance" out of the bruised and battered, so keep the original characteristics of abandoned, to the homogenization of compromise.From the beginning of the tribal shaman Alliance Paladin, to name up to lose the next four characteristics, WOW and more like an undercurrent among the gravel, gradually washed Zhuyuanyurun.

I do not know if this is a good thing or bad thing. I just think this is a network game, not a competitive game. Mechanically, the total is not a good recourse.

But anyway, at least we have gone through this game just born, hard-edged look.

World of Warcraft game time at the beginning and not been so close to the people. We now have the task of experience to the CTM line, should feel the same - but the task does not require a high degree of epic how strong operating skills and even more than cooperation, almost all tasks can all be single the SOLO. Past is different, a lot of the difficulty of the task looks quite inconspicuous outrageous. Many people think that this is due to year due to game design is not mature, but I do not think so. Blizzard has always been "easy to use, difficult to master" concept, in each work are reflected. In the absence of heroic mode, there is no achievement system, RAID locate a copy of the old elite of the era, these tasks are likely to fill the second high-end content.

The epic task of each job is one of them. Of course, not all iteams) occupations have the epic task. Such as the Master, they only have every 10 received in the trainer's job tasks to help you get some of the more useful the current level of proprietary equipment. We recently introduced the hunters and priests, are all occupational epic event in a task.

Holy Eye

Blessing. This is the shining golden in the warm light of the wand, I do not know how many people have dreams. This is the weapon's design features from start to finish implementing the pastor - it can be converted. Golden wand just mouse click, you can become a shadow of whole body wrapped around the body of the trigeminal twin - curse by. As pastor. The perfect fusion of sacred and shadow.

WOWTCG blessing and curse in the by-light body with dark twin

Of course, to get it, is not so easy. Then open the door with a copy of each mission you can do big head, so that the brush on the black key is to find a car vehicles to take, not to mention the epic task of this job. To get this to Staff, first you need to do six pre-order.

[57] thunderstorms and rock

[56] was imprisoned water element

[60] Abbott Hill Eye

[60] The Molten Core

[60] Haida spokesman Alexis

[60] the enemy's hands

The six tasks are all in Azshara's "Hedda Duke Alexis," where received, like a water element, a small island in the sea on the lower right map. Many people may no impression on him, mostly because the prestige of MC loading times BLZ not think ideas, otherwise I think this will give you the goods to sell prestige ring ... ...

[57] thunderstorms and ask you to rock to Silithus, to kill the wind element and earth element 15. Simple task of killing, not to mention.

[56] was imprisoned water element requires you to Eastern Plaguelands to kill infected Mireille Darfur lake water elements, remember to use the task to kill before the item "Poseidon" Water, collect 12 [non-harmonic wrist] to complete.

[60] Abbott Hill's black eye on this task. Aibo is that Hill is the element of fire a few orc imprisoned friends, the old one.

The next task involves the contents of the RAID. Of course the classic MC ... ... the first [60] Molten Core MC this task requires you to kill the giant nugget, fire king, ancient vicious dog and Molten Lava were the one, just keep up the mission to a MC can certainly kill the End.

[60] Alexis Haida spokesman for the trouble, but also red prestige in the absence of daily tasks ... ... take the time to do the Haida Alexis rushed to respect the prestige of the water element. MC it hard brush. After completing this task, you can pre-order received the last [60] the enemy's hands.

Since MC are brush so many times, of course, does not matter, which killed four BOSS, pick up their hand to complete this task.

Well, then went to the black hands of time! [60] After the enemy's hands, Haida Alexis Duke will give you a bottle of water, and then continue to brush MC ... ... This time we need a brush to each side of the brazier with irrigated BOSS after eradication, MC on the old nine will appear. Kill him, then pray the box to the right of your task items.

Eye of the sacred task of articles called, is jewelry. All efforts were made before you are to this little thing. Box only 40% chance of falling eyes, and each picked up only by a priest. After using the equipment on it, you open a real epic mission line.

Page with the ancient stone dropped in the same place, fight things luck

Eye Shadow

Shadow of the eye to start the team still needs help, it is dropped from the curse of the Cazac. In fact, sometimes seen in the AH, usually arrayed price.This is because the code word canyon is also likely that the elite demons out of this stuff, but there's brush ... ...

Old players should all remember the bad taste of the hunter to have a small card kite to storm the city and violent massacre scene. For players new to RAID, this is a very difficult BOSS. But since you have to kill a large screw, then he also constitute a threat.

Doom Lord Kazzak, the same with Blue Dragon the prototype BOSS for the field

His main means of attack is 100 yards wide shadow arrows, unable to resist, causing 800-1000 Shadow damage. This may be the first to check out the halo of blood the BOSS ... ...

In addition, he will release a DEBUFF, DEBUFF players in the injury response Cazac 25,000 points for life, can be dispersed. Also use Cazac mark, the release of a blue job, loss of 250 mana per second, if the player is pumping out, or curse at the close, the player will explode, causing everyone around 4,000 points of damage. Also, if someone died in the fighting, then Cazac life will return to 70000 points.

The BOSS is the reason why the strength of a massacre, but also because of his initiative - which has since been BLZ goods with indiscriminate fury mode. If you did not kill him within 3 minutes, then he put a second shadow will arrows per second, the consequences can be imagined.

After you kill the demon, you can get the eye shadow. At this time, your epic mission trip has been completed more than half of the.

Some people in the winter and spring to play a special brush elite demon eyes, but the difficulty is high to kill the devil itself

Low-level skills

Before the start of formal task, we first mention of what has gone low-level skills.

It can be said, in the 1960s, along with many low-level job skills to high-end.RAID often to see the action of the treatment, there are many different icons - these are different levels of healing spells. Unlike WLK, classic old world as CTM, as blue is very tight. But as a kind of therapy now controlled by magic at the time Blue has not been specifically designed to control the blue, you have to learn to control excessive. Experienced healers can just drag out the team with a framework to understand what the level of healing spells, while pre-reading skills are also interrupted the class can be mastered. For a class of DPS career, although intermediate spell of little use, but a spell unique low blue, high-speed magic properties, but also to make these skills can quickly become a key place to enjoy things. As typical of a classic Master Frostbolt kite, cheat break, a ball of fire prevention disappeared, a blizzard hit sneak. Hunter epic on a special mission in an Austrian radio drag kite fighting is one of the techniques. Accordingly, we will use the following task in order to better control low-level blue magic.

The balance of light and shadow

Provided by the eyes of this line that the Scourge invasion, a priest trying to save some farmers to escape. However, under the onslaught of the Scourge, he failed. So you have to go to complete his unfinished business.

Stratholme northwest in a hole you can find him, you must be equipped with the divine eye to see. If you agree to help him, you can receive a task [60] protect farmers escape.

This task is very difficult. The next task, the farmers from the hole in batches, east to the task NPC. General escort duties with the same people to the site a success, you have to die before the 15 farmers 50 farmers successfully escort arrived.

Difficulty where it? Farmers are fragile, and the souls of natural disasters along the way are besieged. Street Necromancer can not be killed, and many dead soldiers will brush out physical attacks on farmers. The way they walk, the toxic cloud will appear randomly, was dyed to farmers will also quickly DOT. And, most pit father that farmers not be your teammates, so you can not pull the frame out of a team to play in rats, can not group them with the Prayer of the brush. To increase their blood, you can only open the friendly name version, and then while keeping your eye on the blood of those who move quickly click to the side for treatment.

So how can you accomplish this task? First, of course, is completely prepared to make the corresponding items of pharmaceutical and BUFF best get ready.Because if they fail, you have to be followed two hours later. This task and most of the epic tasks, can not have friends to help, but if you set them to ring or you can add to provide the BUFF. But must be wooden, like with the slightest movement can not do. Also most importantly, the multi-point sacrifice of oil or prepared Stratholme holy water.

Spell on the treatment of choice, usually with 7, 9 and immediate treatment and recovery of primary treatment, secondary shield full level. Then the amount of blue with the CTM, are not at liberty to squander, so be sure to steady increases blood Accurate, if you find yourself the task to achieve half of the OOM, then it's all over. You able to skillfully deal with the Necromancer, you will find relatively difficult is that the dead soldiers. They number less than blood, but the priest was the lack of effective groups hurt skills, this time the sacrifice of our oil / Stratholme holy water comes in handy.

You only need to attract the souls of soldiers of hatred, they will put down the peasants turned to weak to fight you. Sacrifice of time to drink the oil, or to themselves as the center threw holy water, clean the world ... ...

Farmers seem to refresh the location of random, but happens randomly with the same toxic cloud, and sometimes you have a very troublesome situation - get together farmers scrambling to step on from the toxic cloud over the past ... In this time you will RAID in the sense that DOT Suansha ... ah ... seeing in front of a lush, just people running around in circles can not lift group, a single point of a brush affixed to restore rapid, low-level skills, if not the consequences will be unimaginable - WLK pastor in my top friends In the absence of low-level skill system, with a brush directly into the empty blue commandments, god, animal husbandry, with barely finish the job.

Note that farmers are constantly refreshed, so the escort do not end after the first wave of relax, go back immediately to prepare for the next wave. Usually you have to escort at least 6 wave farmers. Because Big Blue has a two-minute CD, so the task will inevitably feel a basket case, this time If you hit those hard to save the farmers, it could do nothing but let them go, I can accomplish the sacrifice I am. Upon completion of this difficult task, you will get Nordrassil debris. Congratulations, you come to an end this epic task.


Old experienced players I think have been excitement at this time no words of it.Think of a blessing at the moment together, and now moving to reproduce this, I am afraid that very difficult. Click your Nordrassil debris, read the article, after which the legend of the staff quietly in your bag. Looking behind the golden flow drag, whether people are feeling the sublimation of it?

Pastor of the player base a lot of girls, which the Staff has also become a natural beauty beautiful girls collection an integral part of the package. Today, still be able to see numerous human wizard sister wearing a cute skirt or halter gown of sand, wore T3 angel halo, the main town sat quiet, behind the flashing, the light and the background form a beautiful picture.

Six years later, the equipment change from T0 to T12, equipment levels such as superficial, and spend in order to void the purple crystals of different shapes and the NPC at the heavy gold. Only pray, almost all are reluctant to discard.This is a belief, a memory - Yes, sometimes, a task can represent an era.

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Time: August 24,2011
Location: New York